Some field and lab images:
Our work has been enriched by the interaction with Drs. Luis Borrero (CONICET-UBA), Annette Aguerre (CONICET-UBA), Virginia Mancini (UNMDP), George Brook (The University of Georgia), Eugenio Aragón (CIC-CONICET-UNLP), Claudio Iglesias (Minera Piedra Grande), Teresita Montenegro (CONICET and University of Buenos Aires), Danae Fiore (CONICET), Natalia Carden (UNICEN-CONICET) and Alicia Castro (UNLP).
We would like to thank Minera Piedra Grande S.A.M.I.C.A. and F, Minera Triton Argentina S.A, the Tourism Department of Gobernador Gregores (and, in particular, Pablo Ramírez), the Municipalities of Piedra Buena and Puerto Santa Cruz, and the Association of Guides of Calafate for their logistical collaboration.
In our work, the owners and workers of various ranches have been extremely important, and we would like to express our gratitude to them. These include Bon Accord, Chorrillo Malo, Río Bote, La Rosita, Cerro Frías, Yaten Guajen, Marta, La Estelita, La Australasia, Monte Entrance, Bi Aike, La Laurita, El Tranquilo, Huyliche, Walichu, Rincón Amigo, Cerro Ventana, La Flecha, Ocho Hermanos, 17 de Marzo, La Esmeralda, El Verano, Yapeyú, Cardiel Chico, and La Alianza, as well as the Lago Roca Basecamp Plant. We would like to give special mention to Gerardo Povazsan, Rubén Hudson and Campos, Víctor Hugo López and family, Mónica Reinsch and family, Betty Kemp and María Díaz, Mario and Inés Serra, Juan Pablo Sayes and family, Marcelo Lefrancois, Otto and Hilde Helmich, Martín Gray, Juan Carlos Beherán and family, Adriana Aristizábal and family, Alejandro Bárcena, Ana María Drisaldi and family, Berni Roil, Christian Soto, Federico Pichl, and Abel Barría and his wife (Hotel and Restaurant Cañadón León), as well as Martín Astorga. We also wish to thank Berta Giménez, Rubén Elgorriaga, and all the workers of the Piedra Grande company, with whom we shared many memorable moments.
We would also like to thank all those who participated in the field and lab work.
This page was designed by UBA student, Ms. Julieta Samoluk.