Faunistic analysis in the upper basin of the Santa Cruz river
Faunistic studies carried out in the south of the upper basin of the Santa Cruz river have been based mainly on the analysis of two sites: Chorrillo Malo 2, currently located in the forest-steppe ecotone, and Río Bote 1, located 70 km away from the first, in the steppe east of Lago Argentino.
At both sites, studies on the use of animals suggested that the guanaco was of primary importance in the lives of hunter-gatherers throughout the time they were in this space.
What resources did human groups obtain from the guanaco?
These groups obtained from the guanaco: meat, marrow and bone fat for consumption, skins for making clothes, tendons and even bones for making instruments.
The cut marks on the middle part of the bones indicate that they were stripped. On the other hand, the presence of cut marks on the ends suggests disarticulation and the extraction of tendons. Finally, the evidence of blows on bones indicates the extraction of marrow and the fat inside. In the case of Río Bote 1, even instruments made from guanaco bones have been recovered.

Left: Cut marks on vertebra for extracting meat. Right: Metapodium of guanaco with lateral blows for extracting bone marrow.
What do we know today about subsistence in the area?
We know that from at least 7.000 years ago until 450 years ago, hunter-gatherer groups in the area based their diet mainly on guanaco meat - which they consumed fresh and sometimes dried -, the marrow inside the leg bones and, in some cases, the fat from the bones of the body.
However, the guanaco was not always used in the same way. The data indicate that its processing would have varied depending on the environmental conditions, which influenced the nutritional status of the prey and, consequently, affected the human groups. For example: in Río Bote 1 it was observed that, during arid periods, even small bones such as the phalanges were processed to obtain the fat inside.
Furthermore, animal consumption would also have varied depending on the way the space was used. For example, both in Río Bote 1 and in Chorrillo Malo 2 approximately 4.000 years ago – when there were already people using different environments in this area – the use of all the resources provided by the guanaco and an increase in the intensity of its processing was recorded. This was probably due to the fact that there were more people in the area and, consequently, there would have been an increase in the need to more intensively use the resources provided by each animal. Thus, thanks to this research we were able to see how ancient inhabitants would have reacted to changing environmental circumstances.