Santa Cruz river basin
In the Chalía river area and the upper course of the Santa Cruz river, only a few ceramic fragments were recovered. The predominant surface treatment is smoothing, and no decoration is recorded.
The analyses carried out on these pots indicate the presence of animal fat (guanaco and/or choique). These components would be related to the cooking of food for human consumption. Stable isotope studies allow the evaluation of aspects related to the diet of human populations based on the analysis of organic components from various supports (bone remains, vessels, etc.).
On the other hand, during the archaeological impact works within the framework of the construction of the Cóndor Cliff dam, the first shards for the south of the Santa Cruz river were obtained.
The radiocarbon dates obtained place the findings between 1.484 and 1.857 AD, that is, immediately prior to or contemporaneous with indigenous contact with European populations.