Chico river basin
The production of vessels would have been possible in the Rio Chico area, given the local availability of the necessary raw materials:

- Clay sources of various quality + Mineral pigments for decoration.

- Fuel for cooking pots (molle).

- Various types of rock used as chamotte or antiplastic.

- The fragments mostly show undecorated surfaces.
- The decorated pots have combined geometric motifs: straight and zigzag lines.

- The vessels were used for food processing, according to analysis of the residues contained on the inner surface of the pots.
The radiocarbon dates obtained place the findings between 1.453 and 1.641 AD, that is, immediately prior to or contemporary with the arrival of the first European explorers.
Recently, isotopic studies were carried out on two shards recovered on the surface. This technique allows the evaluation of aspects related to the diet of human populations based on the analysis of organic components recovered from different supports (bone remains, vessels, etc.).
The results indicate the presence of animal fat (subcutaneous or medullary), probably related to the consumption of guanaco or another animal source.